wikipedia-revision-data.txt.gz: the dataset obtained from revision histories of 16,909 Wikipedia entities who had their facts changed between the year 2007 and 2012 This dataset is huge ~5GB when zipped, containing ~300,000 documents. You can check out a sample of the dataset containing ~36,000 documents by downloading If you are interested to download more of the data, there are another 7 similarly-sized files containing ~36,000 documents each, please send me email at dwijaya at for links to download. infobox.muted: the manually specified mutual exclusion constraints between state-changes (infobox slots) -- space separated infobox.related: the manually specified simultaneous constraints between state-changes (infobox slots) -- space separated Format of wikipedia-revision-data.txt.gz: ========================================= label entity_name wikipedia_url revision_date_1 revision_date_2 html_difference label is NULL (if there is no label) or separated if there are label(s) html_difference is the HTML document obtained using "compare selected revisions" functionality in Wikipedia between the revision at revision_date_1 and the revision at revision_date_2